Ready to ditch those old patterns for good and finally break the cycle? Master the steps and tools of intuitive living and manifestation that ACTUALLY WORK—no more guessing, just real results.

You're ready for that MORE ALIGNED next-level life maybe with your dream partner, a new circle of lifelong besties, bucket list getaways, feeling SO good in the body you’re in, becoming a better mama, and a lifestyle that allows you to live with freedom. You’re SO ready for that holy sh*t moment where you step into pure magnetism and alignment!

Our 10-week certification course was crafted for souls like you who are ready to live according to THEIR alignment while attracting joy, health and abundance.


Start receiving messages on your next moves. Feel healed and in love with your mind, body and spirit. Begin using your intuition to create the life of your dreams.

Here's what RISE UP can do for you: 

ALIGN WITH YOUR PURPOSE:  Whether you’re already dialed into your mission or still uncovering what lights you up, we’ve got you! We’ll help you align with your true calling and get your magic in front of the people who need it most.


TRANSFORM LIMITING PATTERNS: We all have old stories and patterns that try to keep us small. That’s where our Expansion Method comes in—to help you break free from those blocks and step fully into your most powerful self.


CREATE ABUNDANCE & PROSPERITY: No more playing small or letting scarcity vibes creep in! We’ll show you how to tap into the universe’s endless abundance, so you can thrive financially while sharing your gifts with the world.


Early in our careers, we wasted a lot of energy on gritting our teeth and just doing it.

And to deal with the stress of the hustle, we escaped into addictive behaviors and toxic relationships. Feeling resistant, overwhelmed, and scattered. 

It was when we discovered Kundalini yoga - the yoga of awakening - that we decided to go ALL in on ourselves. We quit our corporate jobs and embraced a more high vibrational lifestyle. From this path, we created our EXPANSION METHOD which transformed our lives and continues to guide us in overcoming our toughest struggles with grace.  

We went from feeling stuck and stagnant to untapped clarity, intuition and confidence and EVERYTHING being easier, faster and in more flow.

All because we created an entirely new and different approach when it comes to intuitively manifesting your dream life. It is focused on building a deep relationship with yourself through energy healing – this makes it sustainable but it’s also efficient, scientific and results-driven.

Our 12-year-old selves who met in dance class would be AMAZED to see where we are now and who have we become.

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder


  • A 10-Week Course & Certification Program with Lifetime Access that walks you through the step-by-step process of our Expansion Method! Release subconscious blocks, rebalance your chakras through targeted biofeedback self-therapy, open up your intuition, and tap into your human genius (THIS exact process is what changed our lives and thousands of others!) 
  • A Step-By-Step Roadmap to Increase Your High Frequency + Magnetism to not only embody the energy you desire but release old traumas and subconscious blocks. (Get access to training videos, workshops, resource material and mindset practices to create your own destiny blueprint and setting a course for the vision you have for your new life.)
  • GEM (Grounding, Emotional + Mental) Kundalini Activations + Intuitive Awakening – Kundalini Kriyas, meditations and breathwork to protect and expand your energetic field, help you with focus, and align with the energy of abundance, prosperity and confidence. (Get access to morning and evening rituals and high vibrational meal plans that are energizing, beautifying and our secret to daily glow and confidence) 
  • Stay Committed and Build Resiliency + Long-Lasting Dispiline to Your Work and Practice – Rewire your understanding of the body-energy connection and experience lifelong transformation and everything you need to uplevel your lifestyle! No more falling off the wagon or repeating the same old cycles. (You’ll have the tools to keep evolving and thriving, every step of the way. It’s all about alignment, baby!) 
  • An Instant Village of Like-Minded and Soul-Hearted Women – A vibrant community of new high-vibe besties you’ve been searching for! Cultivate lifelong friendships and uncover potential business partnerships, networking and inspiration from people who are on similar paths and will cheer you on!


48-HOUR SALE: $444

with bonuses


"When I learned about RISE UP I was going through an interesting time in my life. After working years as a producer, I was starting to feel like TV wasn’t everything. I wasn’t quite ready to leave TV, but I was ready to do something a little different. To get additional clarity on my next life move, I decided to enroll in RISE UP. I will be honest, since I’ve had some shady experiences with courses in the past, I wondered if it would be worth the investment. (I remember thinking, ‘Please don’t waste my money!’) My worries were for nothing. I started the course and immediately fell in LOVE with it. The emotional scale exercise in lesson two has completely changed my life. (I still use it!) And I actually think learning how to raise my emotional vibrations quickly at work helped me get a NEW job. Not even two weeks into the course I was offered an opportunity to go work for another popular TV series, Vanderpump Rules."

RISE UP Alumni

"So many incredible shifts this past year. I’m really astounded at what has been generated. Rise Up allowed me to meet myself in a way I never thought I could embody. Truly connecting and harmonizing my mind with the divine. I gained so much confidence. I continually went back to the course in parts. Manifested my business partner. Introduced her to the ETG community and then she also did RISE UP. We have begun collaborating on a children’s book together, opened an Etsy Shop, and started a podcast. Also, I am currently in a yoga teacher training. The energy just keeps rolling!"

Mary Beth
RISE UP Alumni

"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."

CEO / Founder

"I practice the Kundalini yoga classes [from RISE UP] 3 to 4 times a week. This has helped my back pain from a car accident heal exponentially. (This is the first time in my life I’ve ever been able to keep consistent practice.) And to my surprise, I even lost 40 pounds! I wasn’t even really trying. All of a sudden, making better, healthier food options just became easy."

RISE UP Alumni



$444 Fast-Acting Pay in Full Bonus
(Save up to $84 by paying in full)

Payment Plan Options:

6-Month Plan: $85/month
12-Month Plan: $44/month
Weekly Plan: $19/week for 26 weeks

70% OFF

Usually $1497

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  • Preferred option
    Rise Up Self-Paced Course - Pay in Full$444.00
  • Preferred option
    Rise Up Self-Paced Course - Pay weekly over 26 weeks26x $19.00
  • Preferred option
    Rise Up Self-Paced Course - 6 Month Payment Plan6x $85.00
  • Preferred option
    Rise Up Self-Paced Course - 12 Month Payment Plan12x $44.00

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Rise Up 10- Week Course(48 Hour Sale)$0

What's Included: 

Full Lifetime Access to RISE UP: The Intuition + Manifestation Course & Certification Program ($5,000 Value)

11+ Kundalini Chakra Balancing + Self-Therapy Classes ($1,100 value) 

 Manifest Your Vision Workshop ($197 value)  

Forgiveness Release Ritual ($197 value)

Inner Child Reunification Exercise ($197 value)

7-Day Trauma Clearing Program ($197 value)  ​​

High Vibrational Meal Plan & Chakra Juices ($297 value) 

BONUS #1: 40-Day Meditation Challenge ($197 value)

BONUS #2: Printable RISE UP Workbook ($77 value)

BONUS #3: Affirmation + Manifesting eBook ($33 value)

BONUS #4: Intro to Kundalini Collection ($197 value)

BONUS #5: 5-Day Raise Your Vibration Challenge ($197 value)

BONUS #6: Qi Gong Bedtime Routine from Renee and Lulu of Energy Tribe ($55 value)

BONUS #7: Astro Vision Workbook

  • Total payment
  • 1xRise Up 10-Week Course$0

All prices in USD


Our mission is to help more humans elevate and release fear, anxiety, and pain. Instead, we envision a world where everyone feels happy, healthy, and inspired to give incredible things back to the world.


This course has guided so many people on this path—it’s so incredible to see. We can’t wait to see how RISE UP makes you the best version of yourself!

  • I'd love to join, but I don't think I can afford it right now.
    Here's the thing: when you're stressed, stuck or exhausted, you throw money down the drain every single day. You keep ordering take-out because you are too tired to cook. Starbucks becomes your source of energy and inspiration. (That $5 a day can add up, too!) You shop to lift your mood or fill that empty feeling you have inside.
    If you think this could be you, then we’d suggest that you take a look at your finances and know that we do a lot of self-worth and prosperity work in this course. Where are you spending money because you are stressed? Then ask yourself, is this really for my highest good?
    Something else to consider: There's also the cost of things money can't buy— the missed opportunities, the dreams gone unrealized, the years wasted in the wrong relationships or wrong career. When you keep ignoring these messages from the universe, you can find yourself completely overworked with nothing to show for it.
    The price for the course is $444 and you have access to it for life. So, perhaps the question should be, what is the cost of continuing to live in a state of constant struggle or not accessing your highest pathway and potential?!
  • I barely have enough time to get things done as it is - how will I find the time to do RISE UP?
    We know you’re crazy busy. And the last thing we want to do is give you another to-do for your never-ending list. But here’s the thing – TIME is not your problem.
    Say what!!?
    How many of us binge on Netflix once or twice a week because we feel so beat down from the day that we don’t have the energy to do one more thing. How many of us take a 10-minute break to scroll through Instagram only to find ourselves there an hour later?
    Our RISE UP Course is designed specifically to give you the energy you need to make the most of your time. You’ll find that once you have this practice in place, you will never again be a slave to the clock. You will find more time day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month and be completely surprised by the amount of tasks you start crossing off your to-do-list.
  • I feel like I should be able to work this out on my own.
    It is possible to do this by yourself and some women manage to do just that. But as you probably know, it can be terribly lonely to make big changes on your own and loneliness is the precursor for mental health issues. And you risk wasting months - if not years - trying to figure things out. It took us 6-years and $30,000 PLUS (not including our professional experience prior with business and marketing for Fortune 500 companies AND practicing and teaching yoga for 10 plus years!) for everything we are sharing here to fast-track you!
    Through our journey, we’ve found that it’s best to get support. (This applies to most everything in our life…)
    We hire accountants to do our taxes.
    We hire hair stylists to cut our hair.
    We believe creating a spiritual practice and our mental health should be no different.
    The RISE UP Course gives you tools, information and support you need in one place, so you can finally make the change you want in your life.
  • Can you guarantee specific results?
    We completely believe in this course and would not offer it to you if we did not. The testimonials and stories on this page are from REAL women who've received REAL results.
    With that being said, this is not some "get rich scheme or instant gratification." Our lovely, high-vibe attorney has advised us to say this to make sure there isn't any confusion.
    Disclaimer: There is no guarantee that you will earn any money or heal health issues using the ideas and techniques in this program. Earning and transformation potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas and techniques.
    Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, your finances, your business, your knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level but we are committed to setting you up for success!
  • What is your refund policy?
    We know this program can truly help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of... just like our previous students have experienced.
    And as spiritual teachers, we know that the only way to transform is through direct, personal experience. You can’t know what’s possible until you test it out for yourself.
    Our wish is for you to experience greater peace, joy, and meaning in your own life - without any risk.
    That’s why we’re willing to offer such a generous guarantee. Try the course out. You have a FULL 7 DAYS to go through the program. If you feel like it's not a good fit, we’ll refund your money with no hard feelings.